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Lotus Symphony Worksheet  |  1997-06-11  |  4KB

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Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert Truevision Targa Graphic (tga) magic
10% dexvert Lotus 1-2-3 File (lotus123) magic
1% dexvert Lotus Symphony Worksheet (lotusSymphony) magic
100% file Targa image data - RGBA 100 x 18 x 16 - 1-bit alpha default
99% file data default
66% TrID Truevision TGA/TARGA bitmap (uncompressed, RGB image) default
33% TrID Lotus 123/Symphony worksheet/format/configuration (V1-V2) default
100% siegfried fmt/402 Truevision TGA Bitmap (2.0) default